Jesse Hraban

It was a close race, but our baby girl beat out even the bedroom furniture. Our second daughter arrived at 7:54am and the bedroom set didn’t make it until 12:07pm! The couches are nowhere in sight (sigh)

just don’t got the way I wanted.

I could hardly believe we made it to 11/11 after all the contractions (starting 10/30) but here we are and we missed it!!!! I am disappointed to say the least, but it is hard to explain to anyone just how much or why…

I feel like we tried everything reasonably available (even had my first acupuncture treatment after hearing about a friends results with induction via that treatment – NOTHING for me) and it just wasn’t the right time.

I guess this is yet another moment of God teaching me I am NOT in control and to just get over myself. It is a lesson I apparently need hammered into my head at every possible occasion.

Now I have no more “favorite” dates left and I am just tired of being pregnant. Hope to meet this baby REALLY SOON!

Apparently we are going to have a race to see which comes first… the baby or the furniture (2 couches or 1 bedroom set.) I am kinda pulling for the couches, but that may just be because I am tired of sitting on the ones we have now…

My midwife just called and has a family emergency and won’t be available for the next 12 hours… she has back ups, but Oh boy I am trying to be calm! Not happy, but what can you do?

Yes today is my “EDD” or “estimated due date” and yes the baby isn’t here yet – big surprise!

I have to say it has been very interesting talking to people this week. Please love to ask a pregnant women when she is due, but when you answer “today” or any day with 2-4 days of when you are talking to them you get nearly the same reaction. Shock, surprise, and (what looks to me like) hidden concern that you are going to shoot a baby out at them or get amniotic fluid on their shoes… I fluctuate between amused and annoyed by these reactions.

Today was a most frustrating day!

I made tuna melts for lunch, which is something the kids usually like. We sat down to lunch around 12:15ish… and Jessaleigh decided after putting the first bite in her mouth that she didn’t like it. Spit out said bite and started screaming. Now in this house we have a few rules surrounding meals/food/eating (I try not to have too many, but there have to be some guidelines…) One is “if it went into your mouth it doesn’t come out.” (this rule actually came about because Jessaleigh has a history of spitting things out and then throwing a fit about it.) So I put my foot down and said that Jessaleigh needed to eat THAT ONE BITE before she could have other food, get down from the table, etc. Remember this was her FIRST bite of lunch…

Fast forward to 5:45pm when Scott got home and spent 15 more minutes convincing her to finally eat the one bite literally 2 minutes before we sat down to dinner.

I don’t understand why sitting at the table for 5+ hours is better than eating one bite of food… I just don’t get it.

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Swirl hat

OK I started the Baby Swirl hat over again… and managed to finally finish it in a size that will fit Chanler!!!! Hallelujah!!!!

For the record here are the “changes” I made to the original pattern to fit my 5.5 year old’s 20.5 in head

Hook size: K
Yarn: Bulky weight
First Chain:46 (for a working length of 45)
Total rows: About 60

I am not totally pleased with how the seam turned out, and had to crochet a patch at the top because I couldn’t gather all the rows together into a small enough circle to make my kid happy (he was freaked out there was a hole in the top of his hat) , but other than that it is done and Chanler is happy to have it. I have to say the key to finally making it work was being obsessive about counting the stitches to make sure I wasn’t dropping any. Once I decided to be manic about counting the rest was easy (ish)

So for the record I only really knit in the fall and winter (i.e. when it is cold…) so I pulled out my knitting a few weeks ago – willing the weather to drop from 100’s to something more reasonable. Thankfully the temperature cooperated with me.

So far I have finished 2 Lattice pattern hats (the first one fit me, but was a bit short so I made a second and figured Jessaleigh would love to match…), then I had some wonder alpaca silk that just had to be used to I made my first sweater from this pattern and made up a hat pattern to coordinate. At this point Chanler was feeling a bit left out so I ordered him some lovely green wool to make this.

Now technically I CAN crochet – I just don’t usually. But I have to say I HATE THIS PATTERN!!!!! It is super simple (after you figure out the rotate 90 degrees at the end to get the swirl…) but in my opinion it is poorly written and has no examples. Maybe I don’t know how to crochet as well as I think I do, but this is getting on my nerves. I have started this hat 4 times already to get the increases and decreases looking right, there is no gauge or info about finished size to help me expand it to fit a nearly adult head, and now that I am well past the 37 rows called for it looks like the darn thing is going to be too short to cover Chanler’s whole head…

But yet I can’t give up! I have a little boy counting on me to finish this darn hat, but oh how I do hate crochet at this moment!!!!!

It is funny, at the beginning of each (of at least the 2nd and 3rd) pregnancies I expected to go past my due date and was totally fine with it. It was such a long time away that a few days didn’t seem like anything. The part I find funny is that as I approached 36 weeks (a few weeks ago) I started thinking (yet again) “maybe this time I will have this baby early.”

What is it about late pregnancy that makes me think that I could go into labor at any moment?
I have had 2 pregnancies so far go days past the “due” date and there is no indication that this time will be any different, but somehow I can’t help but think – “maybe this time”