Confessions of a terrible mom

Have you ever been bad with your kids??? I have. My button involves being woken in the night multiple times to nurse and then having to get up early. So I am sleep deprived and not really thinking straight. Couple this with the whinning tone that Chanler can achieve which makes me want to put pencils in my ears! and you have me in a terrible mood with a VERY short fuse. It is not pretty and even while I am there I know that I am being horrible, but somehow I just can’t stop my self. I also know that the way I am acting is 1) not the way I want my child to behave, 2) not helping the situation, 3)childish, immature and selfish and still I persist.

I really want to not act this way even when I am dead tired! I really do. It is just SO hard. Chanler can be SO demanding, annoying, loud, whinny, physical, etc. that it takes all my energy to deal with him when I am not tired.

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