Broken record

I just posted on Chanler’s blog about his use of the “more” sign. It is great to see him communicating, but at the same time I am wondering what I have done. Chanler nursed today 15 to 17 times (each time signing more to me then pulling on the collar of my shirt) between 8am and 6pm. I am feeling a little worn out right now. I am used to him nursing more when we say home, but today takes the cake. I even started thinking . . . why did we teach him this? I know he will learn more as he grows, but today was an utterly ruff day (pun intended)for me (aka clover the cow)

I don’t want to sound like I hate breastfeeding. I love it and am committed to it, but some days/stages are harder than others.

1 Comment

  1. Part of it is probably him being excited about being able to communicate with you more directly… But I hear you on the constant-breastfeeding getting oooold.

    For a long time, I think Micah thought that the “eat” sign meant “mama” too. 😛


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