
just got her new camera (to replace the one that would no longer focus because it had been dropped one to many times…) 0

is taking her sick baby to a previously scheduled “well baby”‘ check 0

isn’t as far out of the woods as she thought… 0

has been puke free since midnight and is now praying that no one else in this house gets the plague… 0

now has 2 sick monkeys, 2 stinky car seats, many many stinky towels, clothes, spots on the carpet, and of course my bed spread! I hate puke 0

has a sick little monkey. At least there has been no vomit today (knocking on wood) 0

is disappointed my homemade pinecone bird feeders are actually squirrel feeders 0

is feeling guilty. Chanler my actually be sick. He threw up again after dinner, but otherwise is acting his normal crazy self… 0

is making coffee at home-not out doing normal Tues things because Chanler didn’t want to eat breakfast so he threw up all over his car seat 0

is surprised that Cisco is working on Veterans Day, but closes for MLK day. Go figure 0