Life and stuff like it . . .

We are officially done with down stairs (OK there are still tiny projects to finish up, but all outside work is done) the floor guys finished yesterday at lunch. My issue now is that I feel like I should be walking around on eggshells. Everything leaves a mark or dirt etc. I know in my head that we have to live here, but it is so hard when everything is SO new. I just don’t want to mess anything up! I guess I will just get used to it in time.

Today SHOULD be the last day of construction (a side from small projects for Scott like reattaching the outlets, etc.) The floor is almost done, the base boards are partially in, the kitchen sink works, the bathroom has a light, etc. Now if we can just live through one day at home with no down stairs and no where to play upstairs (because of some much displaced crap) then life will be good.

As of right now, odds are not looking great that we will make it without multiple major meltdowns.

2 Steps Forward, 1 Step Back

We got our kitchen counter installed today!!!!!!!!!!!! Yippee!!!!! It looks SO nice. Of course we decided that we really should paint the bathroom before the floor goes in, so now we are back to no plumbing downstairs (the bathroom vanity is covered in plastic, the toilet is out, and we can’t install the kitchen faucet for 24 hours.) At least we are making some progress!

The Dark Ages

I think we are officially out of “living in the dark ages” . . . you know no running water etc.
Scott got the bathroom put back together this morning – YEAH – he is such an awesome guy! hopefully in less than a week we will have the house “back to normal”

What were we thinking???????

We have a 2-3 week old, why again did we start major home projects?
It seemed like a good idea at the time. Since Scott was home we had time to find someone to do the work in the kitchen and to deal with them when they were here. But some how the slippery slope of projects has gotten the better of us.
We went from Kitchen counter and dining wall(all done by one group of people) to flooring and then realized that if we were having floors installed we really should replace the bathroom cabinet . . . how hard could that be? Right?
Now most of these projects we are not actually doing much of the work (for example – in the kitchen Scott only had to remove the light fixture, paint and replace the light fixture. The major demo and construction are being outsourced), but some how the parts that we are doing ALWAYS take 10 times longer that we thought.
We thought we could handle the bathroom vanity install ourselves, went to home depot got a new vanity et al. came home are realized that our existing plumbing was 1) sketchy and 2) in completely the wrong place. The bigger problem is that ALL the prefab vanities that we saw are the same general arrangement, so our plumbing was never going to work with any of them. Poor Scott has spent the last 2 days trying to get the plumbing under control so that we can finally install a cabinet. (hopefully by end of day today) Yesterday ended with finally getting the water turned back on ( at 11:30pm), 3 trips to home depot, and no hot water.

To conclude: we are not very bright! We ripped out our kitchen (i.e. we have no sink, prep space, etc.) and they decided to also remove the ONLY working sink downstairs. Why do we do this to ourselves? and of course there is always the timing deadline (must be done before 1) the floor guy come to install, and 2) Scott goes back to work – NEXT MONDAY) Hopefully we have just crammed all the annoyance and pain into a small space of time and will be happily living in our improved downstairs before we know it . . . cross your fingers for us!


Oh and I almost forgot – we have a now 3 week old and Chanler has the flu/croup!!!! could life get harder?

The worst part about home improvement (at least when you have someone else doing the work) is the time between when you sign the contract and when the project starts!!! The second worst part is the time between when demo ends and when installations begins!!!!!

Well we finally did it! We hired someone to put in a new kitchen counter top!!!!
I am SO excited and SO nervous! They start tomorrow with demo and will hopefully (cross your fingers) be finished within a week!

The other anniversary present

A while back (September) we celebrated our 10th anniversary. We had decided on a few things we wanted to do/get, but when it actually came down to it – we procrastinated. So a few months later we finally upgraded my ring – doesn’t it look amazing!!!! I am so happy (now I just wish someone would notice that it has changed without me having to tell them.)

For those of you who can’t tell, the diamond is about twice the size it used to be. Oh and the jewelry store cleaned and polished the setting (what a difference that makes!!!)

That the only time my child wants to cuddle with me is:
1) 4 hours after bed time
2) When he has a fever over 101
3) After half an hour of tantruming
4) In the middle of the night

I know it is a personality thing, but sometimes I wish he would just snuggle with me without it being a special occasion. Although I guess when he does cuddle now – it is memorable.