Scott Hraban

Chanler’s favorite book right now is “Bear Snores On”, by Karma Wilson and illustrated by Jane Chapman.

The general plot line of the book is that a bunch of small forest animals get together in bear’s den and have a party, but bear does not wake up, he “snores on”. Chanler has added his own creative intepretation, and in our reading, the bear snores “On the ground!” 🙂

The other day Chanler and I were playing with Chanler’s football, and I was trying to teach him to “tackle” me. He would throw the football to me – ok he would throw the football, and I would go where he threw it – and I would pick it up and “run” (shuffle) past him, egging him to catch me. When he caught me, I would fall down on the floor, which he found very funny, and he would say “Daddy flop on the floor!!!”

Then he would take the football and then “Chanler flop on the floor!!!” as soon as I got close to him.

After a few times, he asks “Mommy flop on the floor?” to which I replied that Mommy probably not want to flop on the floor, and probably would not want to play football.

Chanler thought about that for a few seconds, then says, “Mommy play basketball?!?!”

We had lasagne for dinner, and Chanler decided to call it ahnga – too funny! How did he know there is a ‘g’ in there?

Ahnga? More?

We has just arrived at Scott and Amy’s for our weekly home group Bible study, erm, well, fellowship, and as I got Chanler out of his carseat, he started making grunting and unnnhhh noises, so I asked him what was wrong, and he said very proudly, “I’m heavy!”

Guess I was not making the required noises myself!

It is a bit of a “sick” day today, Chanler has a low grade fever and is flirting with a higher fever, so we decided to have a laid back dinner of mac ‘n cheese.

So we are sitting at the table saying “macaroni” to Chanler and listening to him say vaguely recognizable approximations of “macaroni” back to us, and then he holds up his fork, points to it, and says clear as day, “and cheese!”

A month or so back we started feeding Chanler “solid” food, which currently means blended fruits and veggies. He is not too picky an eater so far, but he definitely likes some things more than others. He will eat oatmeal and blended apples and pears all day long, but he will not eat more than a few bites of yams, and peas take a lot of reminding that it is time to eat 😉

He does not quite yet seem to have any idea “why” he is eating – just about anything is more interesting than eating, and he is easily distracted. Except of course when he is eating the previously mentioned blended apples! The first bite is always amusing – he screws up his face as if you had just put the most awful thing in his mouth – still have yet to catch that on camera.

And Chanler rolls over! 4 months and 27 days old, and he rolled over for the first time, and then . . . the second!

I should note that he has been rolling front to back for quite some time, albeit usually much to his surprise, but this is the first back to front roll. He has been working up to it for the last week or so, doing a lot of rolling onto his side, then he slept a lot more than usual yesterday, getting ready for the big push today.

In case anyone had any worries about Chanler’s weight gain, worry no longer. A little known fact is that babies lose some weight in the few days following their birth, and usually regain birth weight within two weeks. Chanler dropped down to 7 lbs. 6 oz. by Sunday, March 6th. He impressed us and the nurses by gaining back 4 oz. Sunday night alone, and 14 oz. between Monday and today at our one week checkup.

He now weighs 8 lbs. 8oz., and if he continues at this rate, he will be a forty pound baby by June! Choice quotes from the nurse:

  • Are you sure you brought the same baby today?
  • Is dad feeding him pizza and beer when you aren’t looking?
  • Well I don’t think that we need to worry about his eating.