If its good enough for my mouth, its good enough for my face!

A month or so back we started feeding Chanler “solid” food, which currently means blended fruits and veggies. He is not too picky an eater so far, but he definitely likes some things more than others. He will eat oatmeal and blended apples and pears all day long, but he will not eat more than a few bites of yams, and peas take a lot of reminding that it is time to eat 😉

He does not quite yet seem to have any idea “why” he is eating – just about anything is more interesting than eating, and he is easily distracted. Except of course when he is eating the previously mentioned blended apples! The first bite is always amusing – he screws up his face as if you had just put the most awful thing in his mouth – still have yet to catch that on camera.

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