Car Conversations

Chanler and I have recently had some very interesting conversations while driving (mostly home.)

Today: While I was trying to talk about what Chanler was going to have for lunch (to prep him for actually wanting that – this tactic seems to help); Chanler decided to be silly and said he didn’t want to eat lunch he was going to “eat grass . . . [pause] noooo that’s silly”; “eat tree . . . [pause] nooo that’s silly.” This went on for a few blocks with me mostly just listening to all the things Chanler would eat (other than lunch – grass, trees, leaves, cars, buses, anything he saw out the window). Then came the laugh out loud moment.

C: Eat the red light
J: But if you eat the red light how will I know when to stop?
C: You hang me from the light? I’ll swing . . . I want to swing.
J: at this point I was laughing so hard I almost had to stop driving.

Yesterday: While on the way home from Art class, we discussed Creation (i.e. Why the sun goes down and comes up – because that is the way God made it), Morality (i.e. why we should act kindly to others even when they tried to take a toy away from us), Impulse control (i.e. why said child tried to take the toy from Chanler), Etc. My favorite conclusion by Chanler (during the creation discussion) was that God made the Sun to come up each day so people could do things – to which Chanler said . . . “Jesus said go to art class.”

Sometimes you just have to say well kinda, and wonder how their brains work.

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