
Chanler's Second Christmas

We spent the Holiday with family this year at Michelle and Sergio’s House No traveling (by plane at least) to see far flung relatives. It was a wonderful time. All of Chanlers Grandparents were there for a few days along with Uncle David who managed to make it back from Arizona.

Chanlers second experience with snow – much happier than the first
Opening Presents – Chanler really got into it this year
Uncle David’s new nick name – “Crash . . . Bang” and Mohawk!
Making 4 kinds of Christmas cookies and eating them all before everyone left
Family Time – Playing cards, chatting at the table etc.

Overall I hope/wish all our family get togethers were this relaxed and fun.! Thanks Michelle for hosting!



Chanler was a fireman for Halloween.

Now Scott and I are not big fans of this supposed “holiday”, but because Chanler was invited to two costume parties, I figured he should dress up as something.

So I made a fireman outfit complete with spotted doggie (thank you Grandmama), fire axe, fire hat, etc. I have to say Chanler was one of only two children at the costume parties to have a homemade costume.
I don’t know if that is a good or bad thing . . . ?


Fashion Sense???

Today Chanler made his first “fashion choice.” (picture to be posted)

Preface: Chanler loves socks! (and hates most other clothes).

This morning while trying to get him dressed he opened the sock drawer and started pointing (he can’t actually reach into the sock drawer yet!) I picked out his usual white socks and he responded “NO” and continued to point. So I picked up the pair closest to where he was pointing (the blue, green and orange striped pair that the Silver’s gave him for Christmas) and he laughed and sat down so I could put them on. Needless to say they wouldn’t have been my choice to go with the Hawaiian shirt he was wearing, but he was the one wearing them =]

New Words:
Fire truck
BYE (said in the loudest voice possible and with a wave)
More Please
Garbage truck
Tigger (the Disney character)

Beach Trip

Scott was stuck at work this afternoon so he decided (with some nudging) to take the afternoon off. To make it worth his while we decided to head to Santa Cruz and take Chanler to the beach for the first time.
We started out with lunch at togo’s where Chanler “tickled” a complete stranger (we think he thought it was uncle David). The only problem – Chanler could only reach to the groin area! needless to say I was slightly embarssed!

Chanler took a short nap on the way over 17 and didn’t wake up until we were at the beach. With a quick change he was ready to take on the ocean. Until we actually got to it – it was a bit scary. So we watched the waves for a few minutes and did eventually get just a bit wet.
Later we checked out the tide pools, but they were too dangerous to let Chanler run around on by himself so he stayed in the Ergo.
We hit down town Santa Cruz for dinner and had some really bad local pizza, then headed home.
Of course Chanler fell asleep in the car (at 7pm no less) and we didn’t quite know what to do when we got home (keep him asleep or wake him up so he would got to bed on time) We decided on the first and amazingly it worked. Chanler slept the whole night (except for the scare at 11pm when he came toddling out of the bedroom happy as a clam)


Does Chanler look older?

No it is not your imagination – he did not grow up over night – he just got his first “real” haircut. I have been trimming his neck and sometimes bangs, but I just didn’t know what to do for an overall haircut. So I succumbed to paying $17 to get his hair cut at a kids specialty place. I must say it was worth it! Chanler didn’t mind any of the tools or even notice that his hair was being cut. It is probably due to the race car seat he got and the GIANT screen TV that was playing cartoons the whole time.

Easter Egg Hunt

Jesse’s Mothers Together small group decided to have a easter egg hunt this year (I guess we could have last year except that none of your kids were moving yet . . .)

Thanks to the Kembel’s for hosting a great time. The kids had a blast looking for “well hidden” eggs.

More Pictures

The beginning of the end

Well I was making lunch today and Chanler was playing in the living room or so I thought. The next thing I know I see him sitting (very nicely I might add) at the dining room table on a chair. I have NO idea how he got up there and can only imagine what he will manage to climb next

I should note that Scott thinks the beginning of the end was when Chanler started crawling. So I guess this is more like the middle of the beginning of the end . . .

Grandma Blomquist visits Chanler

It took almost a year, but Dan and Mary finally got Great Grandma Blomqusit out to CA for a visit. She spent the whole weekend (Friday thru Tuesday) playing with Chanler and trying to get him to give her a hug. She also brought Chanler a popper toy – it is the same one that I remember playing with when I was a child and the toy that Chanler grabs any time with go to another house that has one – He was in heaven.
Grandma Blomquist visits Chanler

Here are a few more pictures

Boys and their cars . . .

Chanler has recently rediscovered his fire truck walking toy. For the last few days it has given him hours of enjoyment just to push it around (sometimes just in a circle – like our living room was a race track). The best part is the noise that goes with it. Chanler makes a Brrrr/Vrrrr “engine” noise while playing. It is so funny