I have this feeling that is all I am going to be able to think about for the next few days. What a trip – I was on my way to the hospital for a check up about now and had no idea that tomorrow would be my little boy’s birthday. And now he is turning one – where has the year gone?

We bought a climber/slide for Chanler to play on at home (trying to get him to climb it instead of the furniture). We bought it used from craigslist because we are cheap (no really we are). Anyway, it needed a bath before we set it up so we hauled it out onto our driveway and started scrubbing.

Well Chanler got a hold of a paper towel (usually not something we let him have because he will either eat it or make confetti) and he started to wipe the plastic as well.

He was helping us clean. Oh the cuteness!

It really hammers home the fact that Chanler is learning by watching us, so we had better be on our best behavior and be good role models. Yikes!

A few weeks ago we announced that Chanler was walking – well now we can say for sure that he has changed his primary mode of transportation from crawling to walking.

In fact, he will just walk all over the living room for fun. I actually considered putting a pedometer on him to see how far he goes each day, but I have not worked out the logistics yet.

Well, I can’t say for sure when Chanler took his first step without support (there have been a few occasions when Scott and I looked at each other and said “was he holding on?”), but I can officially say he can walk as of now. He doesn’t go more than a few steps at a time, but he has figured it out.

Look out world, here comes Chanler Hraban . . .

Boys and their cars . . .

Chanler has recently rediscovered his fire truck walking toy. For the last few days it has given him hours of enjoyment just to push it around (sometimes just in a circle – like our living room was a race track). The best part is the noise that goes with it. Chanler makes a Brrrr/Vrrrr “engine” noise while playing. It is so funny

We were sitting at dinner tonight when we think Chanler signed for the first time. He was eating and after reaching for his food he made the gesture for “more”. He seemed very pleased with himself when we immediately gave him more food.

First Christmas

Chanler spent his first Christmas getting to know extended family in Minnesota. He met his Great-Grandma, Great Aunt and Uncle, and lots of cousins. He had a great time being the center of attention to all the people and especially cousin Darren’s two dogs (Kisses and Blanca)


We made our “maiden” voyage on an airplane today with Chanler. Surprisingly enough, Chanler made it without crying and even slept for most of the trip.

I was very worried about flying with Chanler since he is just getting over a cold (as such he is at higher risk for getting an ear infection) and because he hates to be confined for any length of time, but I was happily surprised. Lucky for us airplanes don’t require children to be IN their carseats. =]

As of his 9 month Dr. appointment today
Chanler’s Stats:
Weight: 21 lbs
Height: 29 Inches
Head Circ: 18.5 in
6 Teeth

Chanler can . . .
Stand without support (i.e. Balance)
Cruise around the furniture
Use a pincer grip
Play peek-a-boo
and generally keep mommy and daddy very busy

Well we could only hold it off for so long – Chanler has his first cold =[ So far it is not too bad, just stuffy and cranky, but still so sad to see my little one sick.