Jesse Hraban

Chanler has begun to consistently sign. Currently his only reliable sign is “more”*. More means anything and everything from I’m hungry, I want ______, and even time to nurse mommy. I know it is part of development, but it is sure confusing right now. Chanler must have said “more” 200 times today alone.

*As a side note Chanler has something of a “sign impediment” (jk) he makes the more sign with his right hand as shown in the link, but his left had flat. I have seen a variation using the flat hand and pointer finger to sign more (Thanks Fanny for confusing my kid hahaha). I guess Chanler just wanted to bring everyone together . . .

Easter Egg Hunt

Jesse’s Mothers Together small group decided to have a easter egg hunt this year (I guess we could have last year except that none of your kids were moving yet . . .)

Thanks to the Kembel’s for hosting a great time. The kids had a blast looking for “well hidden” eggs.

More Pictures

The beginning of the end

Well I was making lunch today and Chanler was playing in the living room or so I thought. The next thing I know I see him sitting (very nicely I might add) at the dining room table on a chair. I have NO idea how he got up there and can only imagine what he will manage to climb next

I should note that Scott thinks the beginning of the end was when Chanler started crawling. So I guess this is more like the middle of the beginning of the end . . .

Grandma Blomquist visits Chanler

It took almost a year, but Dan and Mary finally got Great Grandma Blomqusit out to CA for a visit. She spent the whole weekend (Friday thru Tuesday) playing with Chanler and trying to get him to give her a hug. She also brought Chanler a popper toy – it is the same one that I remember playing with when I was a child and the toy that Chanler grabs any time with go to another house that has one – He was in heaven.
Grandma Blomquist visits Chanler

Here are a few more pictures

Chanler was sitting on my lap today playing with the cap of a water bottle. He started hiding the cap under my shirt then putting his hands up to say “where is it?”, then he would pull it back out and laugh when he had found it. He also tried this with his overalls, but the cap was harder to pull back out. Too cute.

Update 4/14/06: I finally got a picture of “where is it?” so here it is!

Where is it?

Where is it?

Chanler was being too cute! We came down stairs and Scott put his computer bag down in the hall while he got breakfast etc. Well the next thing I know Chanler is in the hall trying to put daddy’s bag on. So adorable – I wish I had gotten the camera in time

Which actually happened closer to 13 months, but you get the idea.

Height 30.75 in (70th percentile)
Weight 22lbs 12oz (44th percentile)
8 teeth (with 4 molars all coming in at the same time)

Chanler can
Say ball (baa), dog (duh), balloon (baa-oo) and of course mama and dada (all of which can have alternative meaning depending on context)
Give hugs and kisses (kisses can be a little scary – they are open mouth, tongue out, grap your head to hold on and long! but so sweet)
Help get dressed (he is very good at putting his arms in the holes and loves to try to pull things over his head

Dr. Joseph seemed to think Chanler was doing fine and cleared him for citrus, strawberries and peanut butter. I think the only things to watch out for from an eating perspective now are choking hazards. Our one question was about Chanler’s habit of head butting things, people, shopping carts, etc. The Dr. said it is normal behavior and he is using the hardest part of his head so it won’t do any real damage. She stressed that we should not let him know that it upsets us or give him whatever he wants when he does it because that would just encourage him. :p

I noticed the other day that when I am on the computer or reading etc, Chanler will take a toy and go and sit in the corner our dining room. It is cute and somewhat sad/antisocial at the same time.

When Chanler is excited or angry he bangs his head on whatever is near by – Mommy, Daddy, the floor, a shopping cart handle – whatever. Sometimes it is funny other times I worry because it smacks his head hard enough to make himself cry (if he wasn’t already whining)

I have this feeling that is all I am going to be able to think about for the next few days. What a trip – I was on my way to the hospital for a check up about now and had no idea that tomorrow would be my little boy’s birthday. And now he is turning one – where has the year gone?

We bought a climber/slide for Chanler to play on at home (trying to get him to climb it instead of the furniture). We bought it used from craigslist because we are cheap (no really we are). Anyway, it needed a bath before we set it up so we hauled it out onto our driveway and started scrubbing.

Well Chanler got a hold of a paper towel (usually not something we let him have because he will either eat it or make confetti) and he started to wipe the plastic as well.

He was helping us clean. Oh the cuteness!

It really hammers home the fact that Chanler is learning by watching us, so we had better be on our best behavior and be good role models. Yikes!