Jesse Hraban

Within a week of her first steps Jessaleigh has decided that two footed mobility is better than crawling. Mostly because you can carry more stuff while walking…

She is still a bit prone to abruptly change elevation, but is determined to stand erect most of the time…

Still trying to catch her walking on video, but that would require that I have my camera with me at all times – which just isn’t a reality.

Jessaleigh always wants to be like her big brother. For months now we have gotten looks and protests when she didn’t receive the same thing he did (mostly about food).

Recently (because I hardly ever remember to actually sign to her) Jessaleigh has developed some personalized signs. She will reach at something while opening and closing her hand and sometimes whine for it. She is actually very good at getting her point across.

Tonight while we were having pizza for dinner, Scott reached for the second to last piece of pizza for Chanler. Immediately Jessaleigh reaches for the remaining piece demanding that she get it. (She was greatly dismayed when she didn’t get it – because she isn’t eating tomatoes yet – and Daddy ate it instead)

10 Months

Currently Jessaleigh has mastered:

  • Cruising
  • Two teeth
  • Climbing stairs and chairs
  • Thanksgiving dinner
  • Walking with a walking toy
  • Expressing displeasure and annoyance

Hello Teeth, Good Bye Toothless Grin 🙁

So I think I can finally see one of Jessaleigh’s bottom teeth (with another not far behind). After starting “teething” behavior at 3 months we are finally seeing some progress…

I haven’t gotten a good look because any time I put my finger in her mouth she starts to scream, but I am pretty sure I felt/saw one tonight.

We took a sick Jessaleigh to her “well baby” check today (somewhat ironic)

Height: 29in
Weight: 18lbs 8oz
Head Circ: 18.6 in

We are supposed to do some “routine” blood work (which we never had to do with Chanler, so I question how routine it is…), but can’t do that while she is sick so we have to take her back in a few weeks.

This appointment was with a new doctor at Kaiser. Our former pediatrician left Kaiser so we were high and dry for someone new. So far, I am not as happy with the new Dr as I was with Dr. Joesph. Dr Joesph was very laid back (or held the same opinion as we do) about most stuff (vaccinations, co-sleeping, weight gain, home schooling, extended breastfeeding, etc.) and left parenting decisions to the parents! I still miss her!!!!!

For those of you not on Facebook …

Please note: Jessaleigh thought and engineered this all on her own. She spun herself up and figured out how to pick up her feet. Unfortunately I was having camera issues so I didn’t get all of it on one video…

9 Months...

New Tricks…
Standing and balancing without support!
Having enough hair to sport a bow (thanks in part to the man at home depot who – while she was wearing a purple dress – asked if she was a boy!!!)
Waving bye bye
Giving kisses

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