Jesse Hraban

Jessaleigh’s vocabulary is always growing and changing, but recently she has started correcting some of my favorite Jessaleigh-ism’s

Tiss = Kiss
Avo-ta-doe = Avocado
Too-tum-er = Cucumber
Hup Tolder = Cup Holder

Height: 34.75 in
Weight 28lbs 11oz

Some how doctor appointments get less and less interesting the longer between them or something. Jessaleigh is developing normally and growing well (well Duh!)

We were driving today and stopped at a light next to a bus stop with four men waiting.

Jessaleigh: Me see people… Outside!
Mommy: Yes
Jessaleigh: Waiting
Mommy: What are they waiting for?
Jessaleigh: Money!!
Mommy (laughing so hard I am trying not to cry) Oh honey, I think they are waiting for the Bus…

Jessaleigh just pointed to a picture of her Uncle David (no motorcycle in the picture I might add) and said

“Dat vroom, vroom, vroom”*

Seriously she hasn’t seen him since August… I guess sitting on his motorcycle made an impression (should we be worried?)

*the vr sound could also have been interpreted as a b or br. Jessaleigh’ first syllable wasn’t totally clear. Either way it is funny though

Jessaleigh has decided her new favorite words are “tingy” (Tiny) and “why?”

Tiny is actually sort of funny because as long as you call something tiny she will like it. Why on the other hand is about to drive me crazy! I am so not ready for that stage again (I feel like we just finally got out of it with Chanler!)

Today Jessaleigh discovered / rediscovered / became infatuated with…

Eskimo Kisses

We spent 1/3 of our time at the grocery store today playing “meme nose?” – I get a Eskimo kiss; “Ra-ra Nose?”- Chanler gets an Eskimo Kiss. Around and around and up and down the aisles.

SO Sweet!

Jessaleigh has learned to screech, shriek, scream and generally throw an impressive tantrum. The one small polishing touch she hasn’t figured out yet is the throwing herself on the floor part.

I am sure that is coming. (and boy do I wish I had ear plugs. I know Chanler learned the tantrum thing, but Jessaleigh is turning it into an art form. Not sure if that is a boy/girl thing or what…)

Some of Jessaleigh’s hair is finally long enough to ponytail and I just couldn’t resist. At least this way it looks like her hair is sticking up on purpose – otherwise she just looks like she has cockatiel hair all the time