Google does evil…

Google sinks a little bit lower – I used to be a big fan of Google, but as the years have gone on, my respect for them gets a little bit less every so often. Today is one of those days.

If you visit the site often, or even if you don’t, chances are that you have heard of the Google Doodles. Google likes to mark some occasions with a different “Google” image that is relevent.

But of course being the bastion of liberalism that they are, someone somewhere decided that Memorial Day and Veterans Day are not worthly to get a doodle.

So far as I can tell, the official response is:

Google celebrates a wide variety of holidays with Google Doodles. Doodles are generally reserved for international holidays and famous birthdays.

Which all sounds well and good on the surface, but the more that I think about it, that does not cut it. Last time that I checked, Chinese New Year, Persian New Year, National Library Week, Bastille Day, and others – not international holidays.

I do realize that it is Google is a company that serves the world, not just America, but they are based here, and make lots of money here (just ask the Menlo Park Real Estate Agents), and I would think they could find it in their corporate hearts to pay some tribute to those that have given their lives for the freedom that our country takes for granted.

And yes, most of their doodles are light hearted and fun, but then so are most holidays. Every once it awhile it does us good to give some thought and tribute to others who have made our lives a whole lot better.

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