
Well there goes a perfectly good birth date!!! Guess we will have to hang on until 11/11. Sigh!

I have NO idea how I am going to make it through the next 5+ weeks!!! I hurt, I can’t do anything comfortably (sit, stand, sleep, anything). I actually asked Scott today if I could just be put into a coma and wake up for labor… I can live through labor pain, but I don’t know how I am going to deal with the time in between!

OK I am getting seriously tired of the pregnancy insomnia!!! I really hope this is just the aftermath of my “half-caf” morning and not the start of another sleeping (or not) trend.

Last night I had my first “baby dream” … well more of a nightmare really. It was so intense and vivid I had a very hard time settling back to sleep after.

I was in labour. It was strange (not in the labour is strange way just in a dreams are strange way mostly). I remember lying down to start pushing, then waking up in a drugged like fog. Thinking to myself I really should start pushing, when I realized I no longer had a baby in my belly. There was no one around and I start panicking. I could hear voices in another room, but am all alone in the dark. (still foggy and feeling “drugged”) Finally I call out for someone to come and tell me what is going on and then I hear in my Son’s voice (as if he was laying next to me in his spot in the bed) “The baby died. Previously undetected Leukaemia”

And then I woke up with something that felt like an electric shock jolting through my body…

Needless to say I was shaken and had to process feelings that weren’t actually true, but still felt real.

It was NOT a happy time. Thankfully Baby 3 spent most the time I was processing (read crying on Scott’s shoulder) kicking me hard in the side as if to say “I’m all right mommy”

Camping in the "cold"

We went camping with some friends over the weekend. Tried out Henry Cowell SP in Felton CA.

Things we liked:
Near Roaring Camp (cool steam trains)
Ranger activities for the kids

What we didn’t like
NO Alcohol policy (didn’t really matter much to me this time)
it was wet, damp and cold (although not really the park’s fault – just bizarre weather!)

Overall we had a very nice time. The kids played well together, the trains were cool to look at, the food was yummy, the bathroom wasn’t too far…

I do have to say that camping is more challenging than I expected being pregnant. It is so easy to forget to do the routine things that keep my functioning (vitamins, exercises for my back, etc.) and the air mattress and walking outside to the bathroom in the middle of the night are NOT fun!

We’ll see if we make it to our planned trip in September?!?!?!

PS Thanks to Dirk I am seriously paranoid about poison ivy now. Had to google all about it when we got home and would really rather just burn all the possibly contaminated items (i.e all our clothes) rather than deal with them!

ETA: As of a few days after getting back we have only one possible poison ivy manifestation (on Chanler’s forehead at the hairline), but he claims it doesn’t itch or hurt and it is the size of a pencil eraser… guess we got off lucky.

So, when we got pregnant with number 3 I assumed I knew what was coming… I’ve had a boy and a girl and had nearly identical pregnancy symptoms with both. So pregnancy 3 seemed like it should be a known pattern, BUT not so much!

I like to joke that this pregnancy is different than my first two so I must be having puppies, but it seriously doesn’t compare. The nausea – different, aversions – different, sleep problems – different, aches and pains – different… the list goes on and on.

Really hoping that the feeling sick that I THOUGHT should be gone by now actually goes soon. Not really happy with 6 months of everything to eat sounding horrible!

It's a...


Just a little joke (that I think is funny and don’t care if anyone else does)

Well I made it to week 12+1 day and the vomiting hasn’t started yet… crossing fingers