Fountain 2.0

Fountain 2.0

The fountain we made during our backyard project bit the dust last weekend!

Apparently when we picked the vase we used we didn’t think about the corrosive affects of water. The old fountain was starting to have the color wear off in many spots. Add to that the moss that was growing on it, the handle that I broke off (trying to scare a squirrel by throwing a rock at it), the fact that water only ran down one side because the ground sunk unevenly, and the leak in the reservoir – it was time to retire it!

We found a lovely new fountain at Target and didn’t have to do anything (more than assembly) to it. Oh wait, Scott built a leveling platform for it so that when the ground eventually sinks beneath it, we can re-level it so the water runs down evenly again!

I wish it was a bit taller, but really do think it is lovely!

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