Life and stuff like it . . .

I heard about this new burger joint in Willow Glen. They only use hormone and antibiotic free vegetarian fed beef. So we tried them out, and boy to I wish they had a drive through! They were SO good.

Mojo Burger

I noticed a grey hair on the top of my head recently. I was fixing my hair and one stood out and caught the light. Upon further examination (after Scott ripped it out of my head without permission =] ) it was totally grey. How sad I am – I am getting old.

Not that anyone who reads this (I know I am kidding myself to think that ANYone actually reads this drivel), but I want to have a place to remember what it is that I actually want for gifts.

PS I know most of these are way to expensive to expect people to buy for me, but maybe Scott will read this too?

Not that anyone who reads this (I know I am kidding myself to think that ANYone actually reads this drivel), but I want to have a place to remember what […]

Morning Glory Bloom

I am begining to think I planted a jungle! The tomatoes are over 8 feet tall, I have cut back the basil more times than I can count, plus the zucchini could literally eat san jose!

BUT I love it and wish I had more time for it.

Morning Glory Bloom
My Morning glories finally started blooming. They are so lovely!

More Pictures

Apparently I have fallen off the face of the earth. I currently have in my various in boxes many emails from friends wanting to “catch up”. I guess I am just not very good at keeping in touch with people (when I no longer see them in the course of my daily life – i.e. old coworkers, team mates, friends who moved, etc.). It doesn’t help that if I spend more than a few minutes on the computer Chanler wants to type too :p

Also of late, I have not been as religious in my attendance at some of my mom’s groups. I have been feeling tired physically and mentally not willing to make my parenting choices appear to fit in with those moms. I know everyone makes the best decision for them, but I still feel that since I am the only one doing things this way (in one particular group) that I have to defend my position and not complain when my way seems to make more work for me now.

WOW this wasn’t supposed to turn into a vent, but there you go, it has.

So in general we are fine, Chanler is the same crazy boy as ever, and not much interesting is going on here (no more big projects in the budget in the near future). So I will hopefully get to all those emails one day and actually write personal responses, but for now if you are waiting from an email from me – it may be a while (like when Chanler is 18)

Ok maybe I should say the camping trip IN hell . . .

So we went for our “annual” sibling camping trip this last weekend. Michelle had planned it for Folsom Lake and everyone could finally make it (side note – we usually camp over independance day, but had to rescedule this year). The only problem – a crazy heat wave. We got to folsom lake and it was about 110 degrees with NO breeze. Ok no problem – it is camping you are supposed to ruff it a bit right. So we took our empty water bottles (and there were many of them), refilled them with tap water and proceeded to douse eachother water fight style. That wasn’t too bad! We took a turn for the worse when the bugs came out and so did the bug spray. Michelle and Scott reacted badly to the spray and the heat. Eventually Michelle had to go home because of heat stroke. The rest of us spent the rest of the night trying to sleep and promptly packed up at first light. Needless to say we spent the rest of the weekend “camping” in Michelle’s air cond house! What a way to ruff it!

Chanler is napping. So I can either catch up on my blogging or I can eat in realtive peace. Now you see why my blogging is so sporadic